6G Global Summit 2023 gathers over 600 delegates from around the world to discuss the future of telecommunications
5 May 2023
Forum Global and The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of The Kingdom of Bahrain worked together to bring the 6G Global Summit to Manama this May. Over 600 delegates joined us either in person or online from across the globe to hear from more than 50 speakers over 8 sessions.
Throughout the conference, we welcomed our keynote speakers to share their insights on 6G. Contributions were offered by...
Philip Marnick | General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Kingdom of Bahrain;
Konstantinos Masselos | Chair, BEREC; & President, Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT);
Carlos Baigorri | President, Brazilian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANATEL);
Mario Maniewicz | Director, Radiocommunications Bureau, ITU; and
Peter Stuckmann | Executive Director, Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking; Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems, European Commission.
As well as our keynote speakers, we welcomed around 50 key industry stakeholder representatives and policymakers to discuss key topics on 6G, including cyber security, sustainability, global standards, spectrum for 6G, and much more. You can view the keynote presentations and watch all the sessions that took place here.
During the conference, we caught up with some of our delegates and speakers to hear what they thought of the 6G Global Summit. Listen to a few of their key takeaways from the event in our event day vlog below, and keep an eye out for more as we share these on our social media platforms using #6GGlobalSummit over the coming weeks.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners for this year's event, including:
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